Thursday, February 28, 2013

Gods word shine like a Lamp

1 Corinthians 14:36
Or did the word of God originate with you? Or are you the only people it has reached?

The Corinthians felt that they had exclusive insight into the truth of the Bible. As a result, most of this letter is filled with rebukes for a church filled with pride and sin. It is imperative to realize that there are people who call upon the name of the Lord yet live out their faith in markedly differently fashions. Some are more liturgical, others more informal, but all are expressing their love for God. So remember Paul’s admonition to the Corinthians, for it will keep you from isolating yourself and judging others who are your brothers and sisters in Christ.

Or did the word of God come originally from you?

The Greek expects a “no” answer to this question. Human standards are not the norm for the church services. The Corinthian church did not possess unique revelation to itself. No church should think of itself as the sole guardian of truth or special privilege over other churches. This question of Paul’s is dripping with sarcasm.

Or was it you only that it reached?

Again, the Greek expects a “no” answer to the second question. The Corinthian church was not the only church in God’s domain. Paul gave revelations of other New Testament books to other churches in Greece, such as Philippi and Thessalonica. God revealed to him New Testament books sent to Ephesus, Colossae, and other cities. The Bible was not the Corinthian church’s exclusive possession.

In persuading the Corinthians to accept the teaching, Paul had already appealed to nature namely, the importance of order in the church to conform to God peaceful nature. Here is the apostle emphasizing the importance of conformity, not only for the Christian church throughout the world, but also with the origin of Christian truth. The Corinthians did not invent the truth that Paul taught. The Christian message has traveled from Jerusalem throughout most of the Roman world.

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