Wednesday, April 10, 2013

A New Creation In Christ

2 Corinthians 5:17
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: old things have passed away; Behold all things have become new.

... Each day that rolls around we often feel regret for the past or great hope for the future…or both! But what hope do we have of really having a “good year” if we are the same person? This passage tells us that when someone has dedicated their life to following Jesus, they are re-made. Not just rehabilitated or reformed, but re-created-a new person. We’re not talking about a new way of doing or not doing things, or a different way of behaving, but in Christ we are now new creations. However, we must yield to the perfecting work of the Holy Spirit to experience this new creation work in our lives. This new life is not something that WE muster up. It is the gift of God given and kept by the Spirit. Today, this year and forever.

Paul is presenting the results of Christ death for the believer and the believer death with Him. (see v14) Because believer are united with Jesus both in His death ans resurrection they participate in the new creation that is, they receives the benefits of being restored by Christ to what God had originally created them to be. (see Gen 1:26, 1 Cor 15:45-49). All things have become new.

A believers life should change because he or she is being transformed into the likeness of Christ. Instead of living for oneself a believer lives for Christ. Instead of evaluating others with the values of the world a believer look at the world through the eyes of faith. As a born again creation you are an Representative if Jesus Christ how we conduct ourselves in the eyes of the unbeliever. We cannot transform a non believer if your still living of the world. Transformation means you have been created in the spiritual likeness of Christ. Through Constant devotion, prayers, conviction, dedication, Church, humbleness, Studying of God word, your behavior, and most of all Love yourself and other as God first Loved you. You will begin to shine in the grace of God. Be blessed this day in the love of our Father in heaven.

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